Carlos Abroad on YouTube

USF World is providing some students studying abroad with Flipcam cameras to record their adventures in other countries. I was one of the lucky students chosen to receive a camera and now I am more excited than ever to bring you footage from my travels in South Korea. Expect lots of restaurant and street food footage :). If there is any event or place you would like to suggest for me to travel to, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Checkout and subscribe to my YouTube channel:

P.S. Excuse my Korean pronounciation…it will get better when I take classes in Korea!

What You Should Pack to Korea

I recently started watching the videos of eatyourkimchi and wanted to share a video they posted that I think is really useful. It’s a video about things you should pack when heading to Korea. Hard to find items or things that would generally be more expensive if you didn’t pre-pack them before your trip to the East. Hope you like it 🙂
